10 Rahsia Pertumbuhan Rangkaian
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Like most businesses, multi-level marketing (MLM) involves selling of your products or services. However, an additional perk of this line of business is that you can invite others to join your team and help others to grow their own business as you do. And, while they sell products and earn an income, you too earn overrides from their sales as well.


In MLM business, undeniably a strong business network in width and depth is necessary to drive your business forward. If you are at a lost on how to build or make your network stronger, then these tips will certainly help you.



1. Not all your downlines are keen in doing business

The fact is not everyone who joined as a ZBO is serious about doing this business. Some may just want to enjoy the discount with Distributor Price. You should be happy with those who wants to just stay on as a customer instead of trying to push them into something they don’t want to do. Differentiate who are the serious ones and those who are not, so that you can plan your next move. Don’t waste your time on those who has no interest to become a seller.



2. Don’t be pushy

Try using the pull-y strategy instead of push-x strategy. This means to understand their pain points and their purpose by asking them the right question in order to pull their interest instead of forcing your opinions upon them. You can ask questions like the below to understand them:

• Why did you join? 

• What did you hope to gain?

• Do you truly want to achieve that? 



3. Walk the talk

Instead of trying to motivate your team with merely words, you should also inspire them with your actions. A true leader is the one who leads by example and walks the talk. Actions speak louder than words. Your actions are the best motivating factors above all.



4. Be selfless

A leader is not necessary to be the centre of attention, instead give others the chance to shine. You should learn to step back, so that they can unleash their potential. Share your knowledge and experiences with them and give them support to build their confidence, so that they learn from you and become a leader one day. Always remember, if you groom your Downlines to achieve success, you will be more successful.



5. Training: Less is More

More trainings do not necessary lead to more income or bigger network. It’s the substance that counts. Plan and design your training programmes properly. One hour a week via Zoom meeting, webinar or at a live sharing session is enough. Why? Because you need to manage your time well and allocate your time for maximising the income generating activities for yourself and your team such as recruiting new members. That may include following up on prospects or helping someone in your team to do that. Training will not grow a massive team, inviting more people to join the business will.



6. Bring your people together

Create a conducive environment where unity, fun, sense of belonging and recognition thrives among your team. Encouraging mutual support and camaraderie among your team members like a family is the key to keep them persist on in the business.



7. Leverage the strength of each member

As a leader, don’t always think that you know more than others. However, some leaders do not realize that it is rude to start giving their advice to others without considering whether they need it or not. Remember, each individual in your team has different strength. A true leader should recognise the diverse capabilities among the team members and leverage their respective strength to generate team synergy.



8. Shower love and give recognition

Everyone loves being appreciated and recognised. When you shower your members or Downlines with love and care, and give due recognition to their efforts, they will never quit or leave your network. Getting them involved and taking good care of them are the secret that bring everyone together.



9. Give extra care to engage new recruits

You should pay more attention to new members in your team. Find out more about their expectations and goals. Different individuals have different perspectives. Listen to what they have to say to establish that understandings. Don’t make empty promises to fulfil all their expectations because there always a gap between expectation and reality. Make them understand that.



10. Achieve together, celebrate together

As a team leader, you should realize that recognition is not only for yourself. If you continue to take all the credits for the team’s effort, your team members will be demotivated. In order to ensure the success of your network, you should give due recognition to your team and expend your energy in inspire and empower them towards continued success.


In conclusion, mastering these secrets to network growth is the key to unlocking unparalleled success in the dynamic world of MLM business. Building a robust and thriving network through well-planned recruiting and sponsoring activities requires a combination of strategic planning, effective communication, and genuine relationship-building. By focusing on fostering trust, providing valuable support and continuously honing your leadership skills, you can create a network that not only sustains itself but flourishes over time.



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