5 Action Keys To Unlock Success in ZHULIAN MLM
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The MLM Business is built upon human synergy. A strong network is crucial to generate income which is calculated not only based on total sales but also depends on the number of qualified lines and levels that you have in your network. Therefore, you have to strengthen your network in order for it to expand in width and depth. This also means you have to learn to be a Leader who is capable of steering your network towards the pinnacle of success.

If you wish to follow the footsteps of the outstanding Leaders, firstly you have to make them your mentors whom you can emulate their ways, techniques and strategies. In addition, brush up your selling and sponsoring skills, while continue to endevour in growing your network so as to build your business and rise as a calibre Entrepreneur.

Here are 5 ACTION KEYS for you to open the door of success: 




Sponsoring is an essential, on-going action. Therefore, your list of prospects should always be expanding.  While actively sponsoring new members, you also need to maintain good rapport with existing customers and network members so that your customer base and network will remain solid and strong.





Your targetted sales must be accompanied with action plan in order to drive your network members towards achieving it. Give your network members the coaching and mentoring they need to help nurture them by conducting knowledge and experience sharing classes. Come up with practical strategies and cultivate team spirit and camaraderie among them, so that they will support and help one another to achieve the common goals.





Aside from monitoring the progress of your network members while offering assistance and advice, a Leader must always be concerned and alert toward the needs of his members, as well as be aware of their respective strengths and weaknesses. When a problem arises, you have to act promptly to rectify the situation by changing the work method or strategy.





Equip yourself with the skills of selling products.  Product knowledge along with your own experience of using products are the most effective advertisements and testimonials to convince your prospect to buy from you.  At the same time, you also can make use of the stories shared by your fellow friends as the most powerful tools for closing sales. A consistent sales performance will be a catalyst for you to expand and strengthen your network. 





The irrefutable latest trend is the use of social media platform as the easiest and fastest way to connect with your target audience, especially to engage your network members, prospects and suspects.  It ia also the best channel for you to improve on 'Personal Branding' and the easiest way for you to share your ideas, inspiration as well as aspiration. Master the skills of utilising Facebook Live, ZOOM to conduct promotions, product demonstrations, meetings, etc to boost your business performance by many folds.




Entrepreneurial success requires the commitment to never-stop learning, consistent hard work as well as fiery passion towards ZHULIAN Company, the products, fellow friends and customers, hence you must embed such passionate love in every effort you put in ZHULIAN business. Let your love and passion strengthen your determination while keeping everyone united and stay strong together, with the aim that all of us will emerge stronger and continue to strive towards excellence!



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