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Many of us know what ozone is, but a lot have misunderstood ozone as a hazardous pollutant. Some members of the society even thought that exhaust gas of vehicles is ozone!


Although ozone is often deemed as toxic gas, pollutant, and carcinogen, in fact, it is a natural gas which is safe and it does not attribute to water or air pollution, more than that, it is able to treat water and air so that they are clean to be used. Read further to clear up this misinformation…


The word “ozone” is derived from a Greek word “ozien” meaning “to smell”, reflecting ozone’s distinct smell. Ozone (O3) is an element made up of three oxygen atoms (O2 + O1 = O3), therefore it is a very reactive gas. And, due to its reactivity, ozone has a very short life span which is only about 20 minutes. Ozone is formed naturally by UV Rays of the sun (photochemical reaction) and by lightning. It is also formed synthetically by passing air or oxygen over a UV lamp or high voltage field (bio-electric reaction). Ozone can also be generated by various electrical appliances, even though it is in low concentration.

Most ozone researches carried out by the Environmental Protection Agency and others showed negative results. Such results were due to the fact that they had been working with very high concentration level of ozone. Like oxygen, water and others, when a large amount is involved it will harm our health and it is not limited to ozone alone!


The oxygen or O2 that we breathe in is stable, whereas ozone with O3 chemical bonding is unstable and always ready to react with any contaminants that collide with it. Once ozone purified the contaminant, it will revert to being a normal O2 without leaving any toxic by-products behind.

Ozone is able to inactivate bacteria and virus 3,125 times faster and 50% stronger than chlorine.


Ozone is the second most powerful oxidant after fluorine. It is able to inactivate bacteria and virus 3,125 times faster and 50% stronger than chlorine. Nowadays, ozone is gradually accepted as the best technology and it has been the ideal choice of many compared to the traditional method of cleaning foods, drinks and utensils. Its reactivity is able to clean, neutralise, purify and detoxify raw foods such as vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood and kitchen utensils, food or beverage containers and others.


“in June 2001, US Food and Drug Administration’s final ruling approved the use of ozone as an additive to kill food borne pathogens “as an antimicrobial agent on food, including meat and poultry”.

Ozone is dangerous in high concentration, but it is safe for human to use when its concentration level is as low as those used in ozone treatment. There have not been any human deaths attributed to ozone since 1885. Besides, ozone is not listed as a carcinogen substance by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), NTP (National Toxicology Program) or IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). The use of ozone is further convinced when in June 2001, US Food and Drug Administration’s final ruling approved the use of ozone as additive to kill food borne pathogens. Besides safe to use, ozone also prolongs foods’ shelf life; eliminates chemical substances such as pesticides, herbicide, preservative and antibiotics in foods; preserves the freshness of fruit, vegetables, seafood and meat by decomposing the bacteria in them etc.


BEYOND FOOD JUNCTION DETOXIFYING UNIT is an advanced system which effectively cleans, neautralises, purifies and detoxifies foods by treating them with a controlled amount of ozone molecules… complete your ZHULIAN home technology product series to ensure the safety, health and well-being of you and your family!



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