How magnets affect the body?
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The blood is a fluid in the human body that circulates through the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins. It carries nourishment and oxygen to the body tissues, and takes away waste matter and carbon dioxide from them. Magnets and magnetic field are believed to help people heal from all sorts of chronic health conditions for thousands of years, and it is still in use till today. It involves the application of magnets or magnetic fields to the human body for the purpose of healing or health benefits by streamlining the flow of blood around the body.


Improving The Flow of Blood


The flow of blood through capillaries is like the floating of a tree trunk down a river. If the trunks are separated, they will be transported smoothly to reach the destination. If the trunks are stuck to each other, they will move sideways and block the flow. When applied to the body, magnets help the blood to separate, increase the surface area to accelerate the transportation of more oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. When the body is in pain and inflamed, using magnets will allow more blood to flow to the injured area, facilitate and accelerate healing by reducing pain, repairing damages, removing toxins, boosting the immune system, etc. It does not work if the magnets are very weak and have a field that barely penetrates the skin, let alone reaching to body parts that are in pain. It should be the type of magnet that helps in healing.


Not Just Any Magnet!

There are three types of magnets namely temporary, permanent and electromagnets which are categorised by their source of magnetism.




Temporary magnets become magnetised in the presence of a magnetic field and will lose their magnetism gradually once the magnetic field is removed. Paper clips, nails, hammer can function as temporary magnets.




Permanent magnets may be naturally-occurring (“rare-earth”) elements, or chemical compounds and it is always 'on'. Permanent magnet examples include neodymium and ferrite/ceramic.




Electromagnets require a source of electricity and the magnetic field can be turned 'on' or 'off'. The magnetism depends on the constant flow of electricity.


When we talk about magnet that aids in healing and health-enhancement, we are not referring to any ordinary magnet, definitely not the fridge magnet and the likes! The medical industry is one of the many industries that benefit from the use of permanent magnets. Magnets have gradually being proven to be of great help in the medical field.


It is a magnet that is specially manufactured for the purpose of healing. It will not be effective if the magnets are very weak and have a field that barely penetrates the skin, let alone reaching to body parts that are in pain.



Enhance your appearance with M-belt exquisite designs while promoting sense of well-being!


M-belt has a piece of powerful 1700 gauss Bio-north Ultra High Performance Neodymium Permanent Magnet attached to the back of its polished and smooth alloy buckle. Wearing M-belt at the waistline allows the magnetic waves to directly penetrate the abdominal area. This area is well known in Qi Gong and Tai Chi as one of the major "Dan Tian" or "energy gates" ~ 'Head', 'Heart' and 'Abdomen' that can regulate body energy.


What is GAUSS?

Gauss refers to the intensity of the magnetic field. One unit of Gauss is one line of flux in a 1 cm square surface area. The higher the value, the more lines of magnetism emitted by the magnet.



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