How to succeed in New Norm of MLM
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Selling is not easy. Selling amidst a pandemic is even more challenging. Yet, there are MLM entrepreneurs who continue to perform well and enjoy big income amidst pandemic crisis. What are their secrets to success? Let’s find out … 




Match current situation with our business model

Resulting from economic downturn impacted by pandemic, many people have lost their job or forced to accept pay cut option. With better awareness of the need for an additional income stream, more people opt for MLM business. The industry becomes a beacon of hope for many as a platform and option to many who are financially affected by this pandemic. Now is the best time for you to promote ZHULIAN business opportunity. MLM entrepreneurs who are able to initiate actions and gear up the recruitment of new members will break new grounds and prosper.


Utilise digital business tools

High performing MLM entrepreneurs leverage technology to reach out to more prospects. Gone are the days that you hold home party or make house calls at this unprecedented trying time when face-to-face interaction is a challenge. With digitalisation, there will be less need for a person-to-person relationship. Where in the past one can only visit a limited number of prospects or customers in a day, now one can reach out to hundreds of people in their network using online social media tools. What you need most is to improve your product knowledge, selling skills and digital savviness to conduct FB live sessions, ZOOM meetings or webinars.



Take advantage of the current needs

Priorities of your customers or prospects may have changed during these past two years of pandemic threat. What your customers may have needed pre-pandemic might be much lower on their priority list now. The positive impact of the pandemic is that many people realised the importance of good health. You can grab this golden opportunity to promote the concept of prevention is better than cure with our variety of health supplements and nutritional products.


Add another business channel using e-comm platform

Besides purchasing from Agents, selling ZHULIAN products via the Company’s e-commerce platform make thing easier because you can just build your business and generate your income at home, less the hassles of delivering the orders to your downlines. Furthermore, you don’t need to stock up because your downlines can buy directly from and you still can enjoy the overriding commission. It’s so easy!


Stay connected with your downlines, customers and prospects

If you haven’t been regularly contacting your downlines and customers via email or text messages, do it now. Your goal should be to maintain the good relation with them and provide them with relevant information, and to make sure they’re aware that you are still active in the business. You can keep them update with the latest promotions, special deals or new products. You may also share with them the posts about your business activities or product posts from ZHULIAN Facebook page. Images of your newest products, your team hard at work, or happy distributors or testimonials on products may help promote your business and boost sales.


Virtual Selling is the trend!

You need to develop the skills to sell virtually. Make it part of your routine to talk about your product or do a product demo via live streaming. Such skill will benefit not only now, but also in the long term because the circumstances of today are soon making it become what will be normal in the future.


Embrace change to grow your business

The new normal has made many realise that we have to change, improvise and adapt quickly to emerge strong than before. This is the time for the entrepreneur to change and redefine the purpose and goals in order to excel. There is no magic formula for transforming into a successful entrepreneur. Rather, business success in the new normal requires hard works and depends on your willingness and ability to continue learn and adapt to new changes.


“Change should become something we continue to embrace as a new normal of our lives.”


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