Kick Start You Day With The Many GOODNESS Of IsoProt'n
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IsoProt'n Mixed Soy And Pea Protein Beverage

Protein is a basic macronutrient, which sets the foundation for a strong body and it is needed for balancing hormones, assisting in weight loss, supporting detoxification, digestion and a healthy immune system.  Complement the daily protein needs of your family and you healthily with IsoProt’n.


IsoProt'n Benefits   


Increase estrogen production

Soy Protein in IsoProt’n contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones that may mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen in your body which aid in metabolism, bone and blood vessel health, skin health, cholesterol level, fluid balance and sexual desire.


Support weight management 

Soy protein and pea protein in IsoProt’n work effectively to curb appetite, increase satiety, hence it aids in healthy weight loss and lean mass development.



Boost strength and energy

Lack of protein is a common cause of fatigue so consuming IsoProt’n can give you an energy boost as well as improve physical capacity and muscular strength. 




Improve bone mass

IsoProt’n is a protein supplement that can help trigger the production of human growth hormones that stimulate the production of bone forming cells, which increases bone mass.




Improve cognitive functions

Fortified with Phosphatidylserine (PS), a natural brain building block, IsoProt’n helps to improve the mood, memory, learning capability and cognitive functions, contributing to brain health and development.  Hence, it is suitable to be consumed by schooling children, teenagers who are in a highly competitive academic environment as well as elderly people who are seeking to prevent the loss of cognitive abilities.



Lower risk of heart disease

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a health claim that states consuming 25 g of soy protein per day along with a low saturated fat and low cholesterol diet reduces your risk for heart disease. Other studies also found pea protein is beneficial for lowering high blood pressure.






In a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that intake over time of plant-based proteins, decreased the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).

 In 2009, Canadian scientists found that pea protein lowers high blood pressure. The rats in the study showed a 20 percent decrease in blood pressure over the course of just eight weeks of pea protein treatment."




Speed up muscle recovery and rebuild muscle

IsoProt’n is high in BCAA’s (branched chain amino acids) and is low in carbohydrate, so a scoop of IsoProt’n is a quick and efficient way for your body to absorb protein to facilitate muscle recovery after your exercise regime.





Reduce breast cancer risk

Public Health Malaysia reported on 18 September, 2018 that a recent research conducted from 2002 to 2016 involving 7663 women in Malaysia showed that consuming a cup of soy milk weekly can reduce 80% breast cancer risk.


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