Tips For Promoting Products Via LIVE STREAMING
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Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen more and more MLM Entrepreneurs use social media platforms such as Facebook Live to host product demos, webinars and presentation. It is also a growing trend that company from all kinds of industry including MLM operators using live streaming as a platform to market their products.




Why Live Streaming?

Live Streaming is a great way to enhance your personal branding. It’s a more effective way to interact with your audience and WOW them. They can be your Upline, Downline, your potential customers, prospects or suspects. With live streaming, viewers can involve themselves personally and get an interactive experience. They have the chance to see the products you are selling and hear what you are saying as it happens. This platform can also be used for new product launch as it is a great way to get fast response from the viewers to make your new products go viral.




How do you get started?

Undoubtedly, broadcasting anything live has its challenges. Live streaming can be nerve-racking and requires a lot of courage and patience. If you want quality responses, you have to plan ahead and make some preparation to make sure no hiccups along the process.




Plan your stream in advance

The most important word for a successful livestream for your product demo is Plan, Plan & Plan! You may need to conduct a research on the internet on the trending product similar to yours, find your product’s uniqueness compared to other brands and look for related topics that are likely to generate interest. Sharing original or exclusive content rather than directly selling to our audience is also a great way to create engagement through the feeling of trust.


Planning involves the following:


It will be good to prepare a script on the topic and the props to help structure how you wish to run the live stream. You must study the product’s unique selling propositions especially how it can benefit the users or consumers from the viewpoints of the audience. Ensure you are well-verse about the topic so that you can talk confidently when going live.


Set up

Make sure the area you do the recording has great lighting and no disturbing noise. Check your surroundings and make sure it is clean and tidy because you won’t want to broadcast anything you don’t want people to see. Make sure your internet connection is strong because the last thing you want is a lagging video.


Date & time

Have you considered the best time to host your live stream? When is your audience are more likely to be online? For example, do your audience engage most with your content during business hours or when they are at home? For a start, you may try to hold your live streaming at different time and observe the number of your views. From there, you will know when will be the best time for you.




Promote your live event

Promote across all the social media platforms you’re active on. You may inform your network members or your friends in your social circle about your live streaming session via email, Facebook post or WhatsApp to increase the reach of your promotional efforts. You should also encourage your colleagues and friends to promote the event on social media too.




Practice makes perfect

But the more you do it, the better you’ll get, as thousands of experienced live streamers out there can attest to. Always keep in mind that no matter how much planning takes place, testing and planning ahead for scenarios that can happen is very important. Before going live, you can do a practice video, view it again and again to where you likely to go wrong, so that you can improve your way of presentation. In your privacy settings, choose ‘Only Me’ to prevent your video from going public.


Be the best you can be

Let you audience see who you are. Build your connection with your look or your presentation style to enhance your online presence. Groom yourself with a little make-up (at least put on some lipstick) to look better in front of camera.

It will be better to wear a single colour shirt — not too colourful, no stripes or squares! If you are using green screen, don’t wear anything green, or else it will become transparent. Learn to emphasise your content with appropriate expression and gestures.




Don’t ignore the audience

Live Streaming is a great opportunity for you to interact with your audience. Responding to the audience’s questions and feedback creates a more engaging experience. Even though you are not able to answer all of their questions, but showcasing the effort to do so will score bonus points for your brand.


Just have fun!

This is real-time video, so mistakes and mishaps are bound to happen. This is an opportunity for you to share something you are excited about. Don’t stress yourself too much, just enjoy!


“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it, keep looking. Don't settle.”

~ Steve Jobs


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